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FTC 180

Turning Machine FTC 180

Turning with highest efficency

Lowest cost per piece, highest reliability and continuous accuracy (within microns) the Flexible Turning Center 180 sets new economic and quality standards in green and precision hard turning. It is especially designed for high performance processes and for eco-friendly dry processing of chucking work pieces. The FTC reduces existing costs by up to 50% per piece, achieving turning results never witnessed before: High precision turned parts equal to grinding quality.

The extraordinary bench mark:

  • Chip-to-chip time < 1 second due to
  • loading/unloading parallel to the processing
  • in pendular machining with 2 spindles
  • Change over time < 10 min
  • Ideal for dry machining
  • Tail stock for shaft type components (option)
  • Easy operator interface with intelligent technology software package
  • Singular construction design with lift hooks for easy redeployment

For a multitude of manufacturing possibilities:

  • Green machining of precise chucked components in two operations
  • Precision hard turning

Precision to the µm, day after day, year after year

All turning machines of the FTC 180 platform have a mono-block machine base made from mineral base concrete for maximum rigidity with optimum damping characteristics and high dynamic axis servo drives. The turret with Hirth coupling in combination with the CAPTO C5 tool connection, direct driven synchron motor spindle with a front bearing of 120mm are the guarantee of highest quality and a long life of the production machine. If needed for the process driven tools for milling or grinding operations can be included in the turret. Lowest cost per piece, highest reliability and continuous accuracy (within microns) the Flexible Turning Center 180 sets new economic and quality standards in green and precision hard turning. It is especially designed for high performance processes and for eco-friendly dry processing of chucking work pieces. The FTC reduces existing costs by up to 50% per piece, achieving turning results never witnessed before: High precision turned parts equal to grinding quality.

Technical Data

Swing Diameter 320 mm
Work Piece Diameter 220 mm
Axis Travel X 450 mm
Axis Travel Z 300 mm
Work Holding Diameter max. 315 mm
Spindle distance 750 mm
Spindle Nose to DIN 55026-A6
Front Spindle Bearing Diameter
120 mm
Spindel Bore 52 mm
Power Rating (40% ED)
Power Rating (100% ED)
26,8 kW
20,9 kW
Torque (40%)
Torque (100%)
256 Nm
200 Nm
Spindle Speed, max. 4.500 min.-1
Rapid Traverse Speed X
Rapid Traverse Speed Z
45 m/min.
Max. Feed Rate X
Max. Feed Rate Z
45 m/min.
Feed Force X (100% ED)
Feed Force Z (100% ED)
7,7 kN
10,5 kN
Number or tool pockets 8 optional 10
Tool Connection VDI 40/Capto C5
Voltage 480 V 400 V
Frequency 60 Hz 50 Hz
Connected Load 65 kVA
Control SIEMENS 840 D
Length 3.600 mm
Length incl. Chip Conveyor (option) 3.950 mm
Width 1.600 mm
Height 3.000 mm
Floor Space ca. 9 m²
Weight 8.500 kg
Noise Emission ca. 78 dB(A)

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