Turning Machine FTC 180 F
The turning machine with integrated milling unit
The performance of this proven machine platform FTC 180 for serial production far exceeds the normal turning process. Driven tools in the turret enhance the flexibility and convert the turning machine into universal turn, mill and drill center. The Felsomat FTC 180 F is setting new standards.
The extraordinary bench mark:
- Chip-to-chip time < 1 second due to
- loading/unloading parallel to the processing
- pendular machining with 2 spindles
- Ideal for dry machining
- Extreme rigid milling spindle mounted to the Z-axis carriage in addition to the turret
- Sturdy drill and mill heads instead of the turret
- Tail stock for shaft type components (option)
- Easy operator interface with intelligent technology software package
- Singular construction design with lift hooks for easy redeployment
- Integrated in process or post process - measurements
For a multitude of manufacturing possibilities:
- Milling of sophisticated operations such as faces contours slots
- Grinding of inner and outer diameters
- In process gaging to detect the work piece Z-axis position, manufacturing tolerances and tool compensation
The FTC 180 F guarantees the highest precision and metal removing rate for the machining of complex forms. The extremely rigid mounting of an additional motor spindle in the work area is the basis for eliminating vibrations and thus is the guarantee for long tool life and excellent surface finish.
Precision to the µm, day after day, year after year
All turning machines of the FTC 180 platform have a mono-block machine base made from mineral base concrete for maximum rigidity with optimum damping characteristics and high dynamic axis servo drives. The turret with Hirth coupling in combination with the CAPTO C5 tool connection, direct driven synchron motor spindle with a front bearing of 120mm are the guarantee of highest quality and a long life of the production machine.